The Upper Putah Creek Stewardship

is a nonprofit, community based watershed organization located in Lake County, CA

which began in 1996 and received 501(3)c status in 2000.

The Stewardship wants people to be watershed  literate and able to make conscious decisions that

balance economy, environment, and social equity. 

We want to enhance and maintain water quality and habitat, and  community well-being,

through education and careful action. 

We do this through water quality monitoring, youth-based education, and community outreach. 

Dwight Holford ~ Watershed Coordinator
Carrieann Lopez ~Secretary, Treasurer

Pete McGee ~ Chair
Larry Ray ~ Board Member
Bill Reed ~ Contracting Officer
Chris Simon ~ Outreach and Education Coordinator
Linda Diehl-Darms ~ Boardmember
Our Members
Ed Oswalt ~ Board Member
Kaci Heater ~ Fiscal Officer
Past projects of the Upper Putah Creek Stewardship

    2007 Department of Conservation  ~ Watershed Coordinator- Extention

    Project Officer: Dwight Holford

    Cost: $ 21,000


    o  Eradicate invasive weeds

    Report on Re-growth

    o  Collect and distribute BMP’s

    o  Restoration Workshops

    o  Produce Native Plants

    o Develope Long Range Plan

    2004 – 2007  Department of Conservation  ~ Watershed Coordinator

    Project Officer: Dwight Holford

    Cost: $153,400


    Identify and reduce number of invasive weed sites

    o   Map invasive weed sites

    o   Eradicate invasive weeds

    o   Report on re-growth

    o   Recruit and train volunteers

    Train a team of volunteers to take water samples

    o   Recruit and train volunteers

    o   Collect water Samples

    o   Final Sampling Report

    Provide BMPs, Watershed Restoration, public input on Recharge Areas

    o   Collect and Distribute BMPs

    o   Conduct watershed restoration workshops

    o   Facilitate meeting of future Water Recharge Area Site

    Produce native plants for restoration and gathering sites

    o   Construct nursery

    o   Recruit volunteer staff

    o   Produce plants

    Attend Meetings and workshops of partners

    Make watershed Center a viable operation

    Provide information to public & establish Kiosk

    Produce long range plan

    2003 State Water Resources Control Board  ~ 319 (h)

    Project Officer: Dwight Holford

    Cost:  $40,401

    Tasks:   Urban stream restoration project

    Post-project photo documentation

    Newspaper articles, and workshop flyers

    Maps of Arundo Infestation

    Eradication report and pre and post photograph documentation

    List of training received by citizens with copies of sign in sheets

    Report on Field Days In The Creek activities

    Copy of videos produced by Loconoma High School students and list of recipients

    Copy of MOU  establishing the Watershed Center

    Copy of landowner agreement to place kiosk on private property and photographs

    2002   US Environmental Protection Agency ~  RURAL COMMUNITIES

    Project Officer: Chris Casey

    Cost:  $1,500*

    Tasks:  Environmental Outreach and Education for Local Underserved School

    Environmental Literature Project

    St. Helena Creek Riparian Restoration Project

    Cottonwood Seedling Planting

    Bioassessment Training / Outing:

    Development of Watershed Outreach Video

    * (equipment for students only)